Celebration for Audrey Matthews’ 90th Birthday


3rd January saw a large and happy gathering at Deerhurst Court to celebrate owner Audrey Matthews’ 90th birthday. Audrey was joined by over 40 guests, which included Owners, friends and family, some of whom travelled from as far away as Florida, New Orleans, London and Wiltshire. Among her local friends were Mary, a friend since their teenage years, and Thelma, whose friendship extends over 60 years. Audrey was also celebrating her one year anniversary at Deerhurst Court, where she has made many new friends and is very settled and happy. Audrey and her family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Deerhurst for making everyone so welcome.

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3rd January saw a large and happy gathering at Deerhurst Court to celebrate owner Audrey Matthews’ 90th birthday. Audrey was joined by over 40 guests, which included Owners, friends and family, some of whom travelled from as far away as Florida, New Orleans, London and Wiltshire. Among her local friends were Mary, a friend since their teenage years, and Thelma, whose friendship extends over 60 years. Audrey was also celebrating her one year anniversary at Deerhurst Court, where she has made many new friends and is very settled and happy. Audrey and her family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Deerhurst for making everyone so welcome.

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- for a healthy and happy lifestyle

So you’ve decided where you’re going to live. You’ve taken care of your finances. But one thing you may not have planned for is the free time on your hands. Here’s a snippet of the wellness activities that help you to thrive in your new environment: