Christmas message from the CEO and the Retirement Security board of directors


The Festive season is one of celebration and charity, when our thoughts often turn to those less fortunate than ourselves. As the New Year approaches it is also a time of reflection on
the year past and thought to the year ahead.

Within Retirement Security our past year has seen positive change and I thank those who have recognised its necessity, embraced it positively and have made the progress possible. You know who you are, and I would like to take this opportunity to more publicly recognise the important contributions from Directors, Managers and Owners who selflessly gave up their time to support change initiatives. It’s your ongoing loyalty to our Company that makes our growth and success possible, and we can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate that dedication. It was also a pleasure delivering training to both Boards and Managers to ensure the success of their
respective Courts.

Turning to the year ahead, I am pleased to tell you that there is more positive change on the horizon. This will further benefit all Owners and so I am looking forward to working with even more of you to build on the progress made to date. Together ensuring all Owners
benefit from more years of security and a strong business relationship.

It is in this spirit that we send greetings of peace, joy and love to you and your loved ones this Christmas season. Thank you and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May the good cheer last throughout the year ahead.

Best wishes,

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The Festive season is one of celebration and charity, when our thoughts often turn to those less fortunate than ourselves. As the New Year approaches it is also a time of reflection on
the year past and thought to the year ahead.

Within Retirement Security our past year has seen positive change and I thank those who have recognised its necessity, embraced it positively and have made the progress possible. You know who you are, and I would like to take this opportunity to more publicly recognise the important contributions from Directors, Managers and Owners who selflessly gave up their time to support change initiatives. It’s your ongoing loyalty to our Company that makes our growth and success possible, and we can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate that dedication. It was also a pleasure delivering training to both Boards and Managers to ensure the success of their
respective Courts.

Turning to the year ahead, I am pleased to tell you that there is more positive change on the horizon. This will further benefit all Owners and so I am looking forward to working with even more of you to build on the progress made to date. Together ensuring all Owners
benefit from more years of security and a strong business relationship.

It is in this spirit that we send greetings of peace, joy and love to you and your loved ones this Christmas season. Thank you and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May the good cheer last throughout the year ahead.

Best wishes,

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So you’ve decided where you’re going to live. You’ve taken care of your finances. But one thing you may not have planned for is the free time on your hands. Here’s a snippet of the wellness activities that help you to thrive in your new environment: