New look ‘Handbook’


If you’ve missed your handbook this year, we have good news. Our traditional handbook has undergone a complete transformation and will be delivered to you soon.

Like many other companies, Retirement Security is looking towards a greener future and cutting down on print waste is part of that initiative.

So what’s changed?

Your new Court brochure contains all the information you need about your Court and this book won’t be reprinted every year.

We have taken the information that changes annually, like costs and charges, and put it into a new key facts booklet. An updated key facts booklet will be sent to you every year for you to keep with your Court brochure in a stylish new folder.

You should have received your key facts booklet for this year and we look forward to sending your new Court brochure and folder to you hot off the press.

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If you’ve missed your handbook this year, we have good news. Our traditional handbook has undergone a complete transformation and will be delivered to you soon.

Like many other companies, Retirement Security is looking towards a greener future and cutting down on print waste is part of that initiative.

So what’s changed?

Your new Court brochure contains all the information you need about your Court and this book won’t be reprinted every year.

We have taken the information that changes annually, like costs and charges, and put it into a new key facts booklet. An updated key facts booklet will be sent to you every year for you to keep with your Court brochure in a stylish new folder.

You should have received your key facts booklet for this year and we look forward to sending your new Court brochure and folder to you hot off the press.

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Read your latest Court Circular


- for a healthy and happy lifestyle

So you’ve decided where you’re going to live. You’ve taken care of your finances. But one thing you may not have planned for is the free time on your hands. Here’s a snippet of the wellness activities that help you to thrive in your new environment: