Valentine’s Dinner at Tannery Court

Tannery Court celebrated St Valentine’s Day by holding an evening meal at the Court. The Court was decorated in style with an array of red roses and hearts. The ambience for the evening continued with tables laid with heart confetti, red roses and glowing table lamps.
The evening was enjoyed by all and the Owners are looking forward to their next themed evening meal.

Tannery Court celebrated St Valentine’s Day by holding an evening meal at the Court. The Court was decorated in style with an array of red roses and hearts. The ambience for the evening continued with tables laid with heart confetti, red roses and glowing table lamps.
The evening was enjoyed by all and the Owners are looking forward to their next themed evening meal.

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So you’ve decided where you’re going to live. You’ve taken care of your finances. But one thing you may not have planned for is the free time on your hands. Here’s a snippet of the wellness activities that help you to thrive in your new environment: